My parents are out of the country. I was trying to grab a can of something from the top of the pantry and it fell and hit me in the mouth. My lip bled, but I thought other than that it was no big deal. This morning my front tooth feels a bit loose. I don’t want my parents to have to cut their trip short just for me to go to the dentist. This is their big anniversary trip they’ve been saving for years to take. Can I see the dentist on my own? I’m 17.
Dear Karyn,
You sound very responsible and caring. It’s admirable that you don’t want to interrupt your parents trip. I’m going to say first, what is going on with your tooth is a dental emergency. You’ll need to be seen soon. In the meantime, don’t wiggle the tooth.
Your teeth have ligaments that are attached and help hold it in. Hopefully, those ligaments have just been stretched. If you wiggle the tooth, they could snap.
A dentist will take x-rays to make sure there is no internal damage and then splint the tooth while the ligaments heal.
Unfortunately, you are too young to be seen on your own. In most states, the age of majority is 18.
What I’d do is contact your parents and let them know what happened. It doens’t mean they’ll have to cut their trip short. Your parents will have to give signed permission for someone to serve as a medical guardian for you while they’re gone.
They may have already done this. If they haven’t, they can do it now and fax it over. If there is internal damage, your dentist will have to do a root canal treatment. Make sure whomever your parents pick is someone you’re comfortable with.
This blog is brought to you by Parma Dentist Dr. Gecovich.