I had an upper right molar extracted about six months ago. I have throbbing in my upper teeth, burning, and even drainage. Sometimes it feels like liquid is getting in my nose when I drink. Is this a sinus infection or a perforated sinus?
Dear Kelly,
After six months, a sinus perforation should have healed. If it hasn’t, that is serious. One way to know is if you close your mouth and try to blow through your mouth, puffing out your cheeks. If you can do that and hold the air in your mouth, there is no perforation. If there’s a perforation, air will bubble up through your nose.
It is more likely a sinus infection. Our sinus cavities are very close to our tooth roots and can sometimes radiate pain into your teeth. It can also cause burning and drainage.
Either one of these needs to be treated. A perforation would be considered a dental emergency, especially this far out. My recommendation is you see an ENT. If it turns out your sinus was perforated and your dentist didn’t notify you, he (or she) should pay for the repair.
This blog is brought to you by Parma Dentist Dr. Rebecca Gecovich.