I had a wisdom tooth extracted. At first everything was fine. Last week, I ended up spending six hours working on my garden and the area began to ache and show sensitivity to cold. I put off getting this looked at, and now I am having sensitivity to warm or hot food. Is this something that I need to have looked into or is it fairly normal. I want to an oral surgeon for the procedure and he is not as reachable as I expected.
Dear Loreen,
I’m sorry your oral surgeon has not been communicative with you. Part of the job of a caregiver is good follow-up care. I suggest you write a review making that known so other potential patients are not left without post-operative care. As to your situation, some achiness after exertion is normal when you have recently had a tooth extraction. I’m not too worried about the cold sensitivity, but the sensitivity to heat is an issue.
I think the problem is not as much with the wisdom tooth extraction site but the adjacent tooth. There are times during an extraction that the root of the other tooth can be exposed, making it more vulnerable. The sensitivity to heat is an indication that the pulp of the tooth is dying. The dying pulp gives off gases. When you eat something warm, it heats up those gases which causes them to expand. With no where to go in their finite space, it causes pain.
My suggestion is you contact your regular family dentist as soon as possible to schedule an urgent appointment. If I am correct you are going to need a root canal treatment.
This blog is brought to you by Parma Ridge Dentist Dr. Gecovich.