I’m so confused and a little frustrated. I’d always had more cavities than other people, or at least it seems that way. I brush. I floss. I go to the dentist. I do everything right. Yet, I have a mouth full of fillings. I decided to see a holistic dentist thinking maybe a more natural approach to my oral health will be the solution. Yet, all she suggested is I do fluoride treatments. Isn’t that considered a health hazard? Why would a holistic dentist suggest that? Is it really my only option?
Dear Amelia,
I’m sorry you’re frustrated. While you’re right that a holistic dentist will always try to find a healthy solution for you, sometimes fluoride is the healthy solution. There have been some recent negative articles about fluoride, but it really is an important part of oral health care. All reputable studies have declared it safe and it has been proven effective in preventing cavities.
This may just be a temporary measure while your dentist gets to the bottom of your situation. There are many reasons why you could be having more cavities. Based on what you said, it isn’t negligence on your part. Sometimes it is just the genetic lottery where you are more prone. In this case, you may need more fluoride protection than others.
Other possibilities are dry mouth. This can be caused because of medication or a medical condition. Our saliva plays a vital role in keeping our mouths and teeth healthy. It contains minerals that fight bacteria. Or, maybe you have good oral hygiene but snack frequently or drink lots of sugary or fruit drinks. All of those can add up to many cavities.
While holistic dentists vary in their treatment procedures, you can be sure they are all mercury-free. So, if it turns out you do get more cavities, at least you can know you’ll have the safest fillings possible.
This blog is brought to you by Parma Ridge Dentist Dr. Gecovich.