I’m not sure what to do. I had a tooth just fall out yesterday. I’ve heard they can be replaced with dental implants but I don’t know where to go for something like that.
Hi Bruce,
I’ve got some tough news for you. If your teeth are just falling out, you’re dealing with advanced gum disease. If you don’t get this dealt with quickly, you’ll lose more teeth. I’m guessing you don’t have a regular dentist or you would have been warned about this.
Schedule an emergency dental appointment letting them know what’s going on so they can get you in as quickly as possible and start you on treatment.
Dental implants are a great tooth replacement, but you’re not a candidate while you have gum disease. Just like your tooth fell out, so will your dental implant.
What a Dentist Can Do
Once you start on treatment for your gums, your dentist can provide a temporary tooth replacement for you. Once your back to a healthy place with your teeth, then it’s time to look at exchanging your temporary replacement for a dental implant.
As for where you can get that, you’ll want to go to a dentist who provides that service. However, be sure to check out that they have experience and a good success rate with the procedure. It’s advanced and not every dentist does it well.
This blog is brought to you by Parma Dentist Dr. Rebecca Gecovich.