I am a first time mom and feel like I’m doing a terrible job. Lately, he’s been crying all the time and has a low fever. He’s eight months old. I’ve taken him to the doctor three times and they keep saying that there is nothing wrong with him. But, if nothing is wrong with him, why is there a fever? A friend of mine, who is a grandmother, said that he’s probably just teething. Can teething cause a fever, though?
Dear Patricia,
I can already tell that you are a great mother, despite you saying otherwise. How can I tell that? Well, first because you think you’re doing terrible. Moms who really care tend to be hard on themselves. Second, you are seeking out information. Third, when someone gives you advice, you don’t just take it at face value, but examine it and talk to some experts.
As for your question, yes, sometimes teething can cause a fever. However, it will be a very low fever. If the fever is above 101 I would take him in to be seen. Below that, I wouldn’t worry.
There are other symptoms of teething as well:
- Fussiness
- Extra drooling
- Difficulty sleeping
- Lack of appetite
- Tugging at ears
I recommend treating this with children’s acetaminophen, such as Tylenol or some other brand, as well as some extra patience. It does not feel great having teeth push through your gums. It will pass. Just give him lots of love. Don’t let anyone talk you into opening his gums. It is important for the development of his teeth roots that they struggle to erupt.
There is an exception to this. As your child ages, he will eventually start to lose those baby teeth he is working so hard to get. If he has adult teeth coming in but the baby tooth is not loose yet and deflecting it, then it would be important that you see a pediatric dentist to help you remove the baby tooth. Otherwise, the adult tooth will be end up being pushed out of place and then you’ll have to get him orthodontics when he hits his teen years.
This blog is brought to you by Parma Dentist Dr. Rebecca Gecovich.
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