I saw an advertisement for the Luster Premium At Home Teeth Whitening System. They said it was comparable to Zoom because of the light. Do you know anything about it? Is it safe? Does it really work?
Dear Claire,
Home Bleaching Trays
I am glad you wrote. Some of these home whitening kits do a decent job even though they are significantly weaker than the teeth whitening you would get with a dentist. Luster Premium, however, is not one of them. Looking at the ingredients, it appears to be a complete fake.
Any whitening that actually happens can be attributed to their active ingredient. Their so-called super whitener is made from a pigment in zinc oxide. This pigment will stick to your teeth and make them look whiter, but only for a time. I am guessing all the positive reviews they received must have been from customers who wrote it right after using the pigment, but before it wore off.
Their light is too weak to do anything and I think it is there just to make people think they are using something advanced. Please don’t waste your money on this. If you MUST have something over-the-counter, I would suggest Crest Whitestrips. They really will whiten your teeth if used consistently. Just bear in mind their whitening strength is only about 6%. What you get through your dentist is 33% or more. That means you will have to use a LOT of Crest Whitestrip kits to get the same level of whiteness you would through your dentist.
This blog is brought to you by Parma Dentist Dr. Rebecca Gecovich.